At SRC we understand that every project is unique and the tools and materials for each development can be diverse. This is why we pride ourselves on offering different types of ready mixed concrete, suitable for a huge range of applications.
Ready made (also known as ready mixed) concrete is made up of sand, cement, stone aggregates and water. As part of SRC Readymix we offer both barrel mix (ideal for bulk delivery and continuous pours) and volumetric mix (the exact quantity required on site will be batched beforehand to eliminate waste).
Our ready mixed concrete is approved to both BS8500 and BS EN 206 quality standards and is produced in-house using the latest computerised systems to guarantee accuracy.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Ready Made Concrete?
There are a number of advantages, including:
Concrete strength is measured in megapascals. A pascal is a unit of pressure in the metric system, with one pascal being a newton (N) of force applied per square metre. One megapascal (MPa) is the equivalent of 1 million pascals per square metre.
When you see that a type of concrete has, for example, an MPa of 20, this means it can withstand a force of 20 million megapascals per square metre before breaking. Prior planning, especially with DIY and home structures, can greatly help when deciding which strength to opt for.
With a huge number of uses, ready mixed concrete can be utilised in both commercial and home improvement projects, such as:
Read more on the uses of ready made concrete here.
Each type of ready mixed concrete brings its own attributes to a project, it’s important to consider which one is right for your development.
As our industry continues to grow and adapt, particularly towards greener initiatives, we will no doubt see more environmentally-friendly options introduced.
SRC Group offers the below range of concrete options.
Normal Strength Concrete (NSC) is used widely in the construction industry. With 20-40 MPa and a drying time of around 30-90 minutes, it’s a popular choice combining the basic elements of concrete; water, aggregates and cement. NSC is often used for pavements, foundations and residential buildings.
High Strength Concrete (HSC) refers to any concrete with 40-80 MPa or higher. HSC is used in structures that need to carry an excessive amount of weight such as bridges, high-rise buildings and apartment blocks.
Fibre Reinforced Concrete is made up of plastic, steel or carbon fibres within the concrete to increase the structural integrity. This type of concrete is often chosen to avoid using steel mesh in developments and reduce cracking / water permeation as well as enhancing the durability.
Fibre Reinforced Concrete can be used in tunnels, airports, car parks and bridges.
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is able to flow easily into any part of the formwork under its own weight, without the need for vibration. SCC also has the ability to self-level, meaning that it will be evenly distributed and shaped, even around dense reinforcement. Used for a number of purposes, including repairs and resurfacing due to its ‘neater’ appearance, as well as floors and walls.
Due to its material properties, concrete is already water resistant, however there may be the need to include an additional impenetrable layer. Waterproof concrete includes admixtures which make water unable to seep in, meaning it’s ideal for swimming pools and cellars.
Pervious Concrete is a unique type of concrete which is created with porous areas, allowing water to pass through and promoting infiltration and reducing runoff. It is often used in water-heavy locations and others that are important to keep as dry as possible ie pavements, areas with light traffic and car parks.
Coloured concrete is exactly what it sounds like! Concrete can be produced with different colours added to it, making it more aesthetic for places like footpaths and driveways. Due to the long-lasting nature of concrete, the colour will also not fade even in harsh weather conditions.
Low Carbon Concrete is manufactured with a significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to its alternatives, with certain options generating up to 50% less carbon emissions. It can be created in a number of ways, but the most popular is to substitute the amount of Portland cement (a high carbon-footprint product) and replace with another material.
If you would like some advice on the different types of ready mixed concrete on offer and which to choose for your project get in touch with us. You can call us on 0208 594 0169 or email us at Or, you can fill in the form on our contact page here.
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